
发布日期:2024-09-30 16:23

来源类型:大皖新闻 | 作者:索菲·费尔贝克

【494949澳门今晚开什么】 【2024新澳免费资料】 【2024澳门天天开好彩资料】



Screenshot of Official Microsoft Blog

8月2日,在微软、TikTok以及白宫三方协商后,这项收购计划再次继续。当日,微软在其博客中发布官方声明称,在微软首席执行官萨蒂亚·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)与美国总统特朗普进行会谈后,该公司已准备继续就收购TikTok在美业务展开谈判,将迅速推动对TikTok的收购,准备在9月15日前完成谈判。


Screenshot of Reuters



Microsoft Corp said on Sunday that it would continue discussions to acquire popular short-video app TikTok from Chinese internet giant ByteDance and that it was aiming to conclude the negotiations by September 15.

The American tech company said its chief executive Satya Nadella had a conversation with U.S. President Donald Trump to address the latters concerns over the acquisition.

"Microsoft fully appreciates the importance of addressing the presidents concerns. It is committed to acquiring TikTok subject to a complete security review and providing proper economic benefits to the United States, including the United States Treasury," Microsoft said in a statement.

Trump threatened on Friday to ban the popular app from operating in the United States.

Reuters on Saturday reported that ByteDance had agreed to completely divest TikToks U.S. operations, meaning it would exit completely and Microsoft Corp would take over, citing sources.

According to FOX Business, officials from Microsoft Corp and executives representing TikTok have been in discussions with the White House to prevent the Trump administration from issuing a complete ban of the app.

Later reports from American broadcaster NBC also suggested a deal was going ahead, adding that the acquisition was likely to close by mid-September, before the November U.S. presidential election.

Reuters on Monday cited sources as saying that Trump has agreed to give Beijing-based ByteDance, TikToks parent company, 45 days to negotiate a sale of TikTok to Microsoft Corp.

The sources also said that the negotiations between ByteDance and Microsoft will be overseen by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, a U.S. government panel that has the right to block any agreement.


Screenshot of ABC


8月2日,澳大利亚广播公司(ABC)报道,TikTok正面临澳大利亚方面越来越严格的审查,澳情报机构已经对这款应用进行了严密审查,一些国会议员正敦促联邦政府封禁这一应用,并且澳大利亚总理斯科特·莫里森(Scott Morrison )已经指示情报机构着手调查TikTok是否构成安全威胁。



The Australian Broadcasting Corporation on August 2 reported that TikTok is facing more and more stringent scrutiny from Australian intelligence agencies. Some politicians are urging the federal government to ban TikTok, and Australian Prime Minister Morrison has instructed intelligence agencies to investigate whether TikTok poses a security threat.


美国国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)8月2日表示,特朗普总统说已经受够了,并将在未来几天对损害美国国家安全的软件企业采取强硬行动。

Screenshot of ByteDance


U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Sunday that Trump is days away from announcing strong action against TikTok, alleging concerns over national security.

Following his claim, in a statement released late on Sunday night, ByteDance vowed to continue its plan to go global, "despite the headwinds in the progress."

The company will continue to expand around the world despite difficulties including the intense international political environment and rival Facebooks plagiarism and smearing, it said in the statement.

"We strictly abide by local laws and will actively use the rights granted to us by the law to safeguard the legal rights of the company," it stressed.


Screenshot of NBC News


Screenshot of NBC News









“为什么特朗普决定封禁TikTok?因为他愚蠢的谎言骗不了TikTok用户。我们有自由的思想,不要陷入他的政治圈套! ”




8秒前:It is committed to acquiring TikTok subject to a complete security review and providing proper economic benefits to the United States, including the United States Treasury," Microsoft said in a statement.




5秒前:Reuters on Monday cited sources as saying that Trump has agreed to give Beijing-based ByteDance, TikToks parent company, 45 days to negotiate a sale of TikTok to Microsoft Corp.

